Tid-Bits of Info

Charlotte, NC, United States
I'm a college student. I love animals of all shapes and sizes, though i prefer some to others. Recently I've been obsessed with Herps as a whole, not surprising actually. I blame Charizard, my big fat orange spiky monster.

Aug 12, 2012

I need to update this more since i dont actually use my tumblr for personal updates

long title was long.

anyways its been a while, things are going good. charizard is himself as always, noodles is a pig and the leopard geckos are still piggys too.

ive got a betta fish now :3 his name is trogdor, hes a dragon scaled plakat, or short finned dragon scale betta. hes bright green with yellow fins :D

May 16, 2012

Schools over

So my classes are done till fall, however.... i have yet to tell my parents ive failed my math class >>

my GPA is still over 2.0 though and from what i can tell it didnt effect my classes i registered for. So maybe im ok? I dunno

but i finally have my leos home with me :) smeggles as it turns out is male, so spootimous is the only girl i have XD

Apr 14, 2012


Oh, i update my tumblr more than this, so check it out

I really need to update this more

Whelp. Still a single lady, its whateves i guess. Me n rick both still care about each other and still hang out, i spend the night every once in a while to play FF13 while he raids.

My herps are doing good, my leos are nearly a year old and charizard is getting close to 2. Whereas im turning 21 in less than a week!

Like last time, not talking to ace anymore. Finally got all of my stuff back from him... after 4 months of bitching. Shitty part? I still miss him. I miss my best friend, my weird reptile friend, the goofball that could always make me feel better. Im in counciling now, to help deal with all the emotions and shit i still have. Im not sure if its helping or not, but it cant hurt i guess. Maybe i just needed to talk to someone who wouldnt judge either party, who i could tell every detail to without it being blabbed either on purpose or by accident. Hopefully i can put this behind me soon, im tired of being so angry. 

Drawing Blanks: Oh and Real Quick...

Drawing Blanks: Oh and Real Quick...: I was catching up with my friend Laura, and she asked me to draw her character and one of mine having a mud-fight. So here you go girl! ...

lol yay :3